As a principal, teacher, and aunt, I always believed that “gaming” and virtual reality was wrong. Board games, i.e. Monopoly, Scrabble were the ONLY real games. The “other” games were unhealthy and going to make killers of our youth. (Of that last part, some of that may sadly be true.)
In Jokaydia Grid, When I first entered the world as an “avatar” I felt literally lost. I had no idea how to walk, run, much less fly. I could feel my heart beating faster as I thought, “I don’t know what to do.” I started wondering around, but very slowly, very cautiously. Like the real world, new places can be scary. Luckily after a while, I ran into a teacher who helped me “find my way,” again just like reality. I was lost, but then found. It was "safe." She had to leave, but I continued to explore. I now understand why students love this realm!
Here’s a few photos of myself while I waited for friends to join me.
I recently read a great article: What is Gamification and in it, is this amazing Ted Talk, which you can view here. This is such a strange new world, but one I'm going to enjoy learning about and having great conversations with my students about! I'll be sharing more of my revelations about this experience as the course progresses! In the meantime, if you haven't gamed, why not?